Guangdong foodies can enjoy Xinjiang crabs transported by air at home_the_local_fresh

In the Aletai Xuedu Airport, a plane is preparing for takeoff, and the passengers on board are freshly packed Xinjiang c

In the Aletai Xuedu Airport, a plane is preparing for takeoff, and the passengers on board are freshly packed Xinjiang crabs.

Due to its remote location and the high requirements of the logistics cold chain, Xinjiang crabs were not well known to consumers in China. In order to allow more consumers to taste fresh crabs as soon as possible, Meituan Maicai, a fresh food online platform, cooperates with nearly ten local breeding bases in Xinjiang for direct procurement, exclusively launching Xinjiang crabs and operating the "Xinjiang Crab Special Airline" with two special flights commuting daily. Xinjiang crabs are transported to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Suzhou, and other cities within 48 hours via the whole cold-chain airline transportation, ensuring that each crab arrives fresh at consumers' homes.

The procurement manager of the platform said, "Previously, the facilities at the Xinjiang breeding base were not very well-equipped. When we first visited the area for inspection, some places didn't even have foam boxes for packaging crabs." Currently, Meituan Maicai has established a 2000-square-meter warehouse and processing factory in the area, as well as a series of supporting equipment including sorting, temporary breeding, fattening, water purification, and storage, forming a standardized and systematic harvesting process. A large number of local employees have been hired to engage in temporary breeding and sorting work.

Liu Yang, a young man born in the 1990s from Chongqing, followed his father to Xinjiang's Beitun City in 2000 to engage in aquaculture. He has been working in the industry for over 20 years. Currently, he is the person in charge of the Jinyuan Aquaculture Base. In his memory, in the past, 90% of Xinjiang's aquatic products were sold in the local market. Nowadays, with the rapid development of cold chain logistics, the distance between the production area and the market of the other part of the country has been greatly reduced. Through e-commerce platforms, Xinjiang crabs have become popular, and orders from all over the country continue to surge. The sales volume of Xinijang crabs has tripled.

Data shows that since its launch, Xinjiang crabs have been well received by consumers, with sales doubling compared to the previous day. Currently, Xinjiang crabs account for nearly 40% of the total transaction volume of tairy crabs, especially favored by consumers in the Guangzhou and Shenzhen areas.







文字 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 沈钊

图片 | 受访者提供

译 | 白心怡

责编 | 王楠

校对 | 苏敏


