What's with the empty hands, tap man?_Kunshan_day_into

Cutting taps,forming taps. Street sellers count their money at the end of the day.What's with the empty hands, tap man?

Cutting taps,forming taps.

Street sellers count their money at the end of the day.What's with the empty hands, tap man?

The crisp autumn wind is flickering away,Autumn rain, the weather cool day by day,I walked into the original landscape in the early autumn. Because there is no" Autumn Melancholy Sharen autumn," the cold at Autumn is incomplete.I love the autumn of clarity and gorgeous, but I also love a little whistle chill of autumn.

September 13,2022.In Kunshan.

Mr.Tiger Lee.

Cutting taps,forming taps.

Kunshan Antique Precision Tools Co.,Ltd.


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