展览 | 第九届济南国际摄影双年展即将启幕!_参展_院校_大学

本届主题:继往开来 展览地点:山东工艺美术学院美术馆 开幕时间:2022年10月25日 展出时间:2022年10月25日—11月20日 “济南国际摄影双年展”自2006年创办以来,已成为一个具有广泛国际影响力的文化品牌,并以学术性、专业性







济南国际摄影双年展第三届高校邀请展 “微芒成阳-亚太地区高校摄影邀请展” The Third University Invitational Exhibition of Jinan International Photography Biennale “Tiny Rays Converge into a Sun — Asia-Pacific University Photography Invitational Exhibition”





展览地点:山东工艺美术学院美术馆5号厅、6 号厅












主办单位: 中国济南国际摄影双年展组委会


承办单位:西安理工大学艺术与设计学院 、山东工艺美术学院

媒体支持: 《中国摄影家》杂志 中国摄影网


总策展:张辉、黄荣华 (土耳其 )、柳银珪(韩国)



Agatha Bunanta (印度尼西亚 )、Ampannee Satoh(泰国)、Ang Song Nian(新加坡)、敖国兴、白晓丹、戴菲、邓岩、董钧、Eiffel Chong(马来西亚)、Erzan Adam(新加坡)、胡晓阳、吉川直哉(日本)、贾方、矫健、Lachlan Gardiner(澳大利亚)、Laleper Aytek(土耳其)、李小舟、林简娇、刘阳、Nadia Oh Sueh Peng (新加坡)、Oh Soon-Hwa(韩国)、Salleh Japar(新加坡)、沈洁、史民峰、Tan Tay Guan (马来西亚)、Ugrid Jomyin(泰国)、王培蓓、王帅、杨赫、姚璐、张朴、张省会、中里和人(日本)















"Tiny Rays Converge into a Sun"

Although we are thousands of miles apart and far away, we are each a weak but firm shining point in the shining light of human civilization. We face each other across the sea and seem to be standing alone. However, the breath of the ocean has already made us form a unified community of destiny, which is difficult to separate and give up. Even if there is nowhere to go, they are still watching and knowing each other and sharing safety and security. Today, in the face of the complicated andchangingglobal situation, such as the fragile recovery of the world economy, our mutual openness, diversity and inclusiveness are the foundation and lifeblood of the prosperity and development of the Asia Pacific region.

Since the beginning of this century, the rapid development of the Internet and digital technology has also brought photography into the pan-digital era. At a time when the contemporary digital cultural context presents a kind of media and consumption, and when the traditional photography methods and concepts are gradually being diluted, we need to think about the future development direction of photography. At the same time, under the wave of information in the 21st century, profound changes have taken place in people's way of life,means of production and cognitive thinking. As a product of information technology in the new era, the Internet has brought new changes to the way of human information dissemination. After the evolution and development of the era of mobile phones and self-media, photography education is also facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities.To adapt to the changes and development of the times, it is necessary to break down barriers between each other, break through obstacles, establish a good communication and exchange mechanism,in order to promote the common development of photography education in various countries.

This exhibition is the third international college photography invitational exhibition since "2018 "From Chang'an to Rome" China-Italian College Photography Invitational Exhibition" to "2020"Foreign Land, Same Sky" China, Japan and South Korea College Photography Invitational Exhibition". The exhibition is organized by 37 colleges and universities in the Asia-Pacific region to jointly hold offline and online photography exhibitions. With hundreds of excellent video works, it concentrates on expressing the way teachers and students of colleges and universities in the Asia-Pacific region observe the world and the means of artistic presentation. In the boundless mutual exchange and learning, we will promote the improvement and development of photography education in the world. At the same time, it is explained that no matter how far apart we are, the gathering of a small amount of light can become a brilliant light.

美国高校摄影作品 旧金山艺术大学 Academy of Art University

《 The Last Stop》Nitish Adla


澳大利亚高校摄影作品 昆士兰艺术学院 Queensland College of Art

《The Treasure》Gerwyn Davies


日本高校摄影作品 大阪艺术大学 Osaka University of Arts

《The Garden of S Family》Naoya Yoshikawa


东京造形大学 Tokyo Zokei University

《石から成り、石に化ける。》Natsuki Mori


日本九州产业大学 Kyushu Sangyo University

《Stand by Me Blue》Abe Natsumi


韩国高校摄影作品 中央大学 Chung-Ang University

《Around》Choi HyunSuk

《周围》 崔贤硕

弘益大学 Hongik University

《Born Digital》 Lee DongYoung


中部大学 Joongbu University

《Memory of Redevelopment》Kim TaeWan

《重建记忆》 金泰万

大邱艺术大学 Daegu Arts University

《Space Exploration》Kim ChungSoo


韩国放送艺术教育学院 Korea Broadcasting Arts School

《The Way Home》Ha SeungHo


土耳其高校摄影作品 萨班哲大学 Sabanci University

《Timeless Loop》Yoong Wah Alex Wong


科克大学 Koç University

《Lost Soul》İsmail (İzot) Ergün


新加坡高校摄影作品 拉萨尔艺术学院 Lasalle College of the Arts

《Affinity》Nadia Oh Sueh Peng


南洋理工大学 Nanyang Technological University

《Zengo》Tan Lay Wen


马来西亚高校摄影作品 拉曼大学学院 Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

《The Colour of Wound and Diseases》Eiffel Chong


泰国高校摄影作品 兰实大学 Rangsit University

《Eye Contact》Napapat Soponvichankun

《眼神接触》纳帕 帕特·索蓬维查昆

印度尼西亚高校摄影作品 印尼日惹艺术学院 Indonesia Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta

《It's My Dream》Syahrul Zidane Assidiq


中国台湾地区高校摄影作品 明道大学 MingDao University

《Dreams and People》Lin Youcheng


中国高校摄影作品 (按高校名称拼音首字排序) 北京印刷学院 Beijing Institute Of Graphic Communication

《Do not Stray》Xu Weitao


湖北美术学院 Hubei Institute of Fine Arts

《City Portrait》Zhang Pu


黄河科技学院 Huanghe S & T University

《My Window Is Dark and Bright》Wang Ziyu

《我的窗前暗了又亮》 王子予

鲁迅美术学院 LuXun Academy of Fine Arts

《Thousands of Miles of Forest》Sheng Kai


南京艺术学院 Nanjing University of the Arts

《Understanding Dream》(Video Duration: 15 Minutes)

Jia Fang Yao Liyao Song Xingyue Xia Yuze

You Binyang Zhuo Shuqi Liu Xianrui

《何以解幽梦》(视频 时长15分钟)

贾方 姚礼尧 宋星月夏雨泽 尤斌阳 卓树奇 刘先瑞

清华大学美术学院 Academy of Arts & Design,Tsinghua University



山东工艺美术学院 Shandong University of Art & Design

《Screen Survival》Wang Luhua


上海工程技术大学 Shanghai University Of Engineering Science

《Silence》Xie Tian


上海美术学院 Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts

《Valley of the Wind ll》Ao Guoxing

《风之谷ll》 敖国兴

上海师范大学 Shanghai Normal University

《City of Duality》Zhang Shufan


上海视觉艺术学院 Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts

《Plot》Lou Yujing


四川美术学院 Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

《Closed Momery》 Yaoyao Lee


天津美术学院 Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts

《Walking Collection》Chen Baihang


西安理工大学 Xi'an University of Technology

《A Guide to Pseudo-Exquisite Life》Cao Naiqian


西安美术学院 Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts

《The Original Scene》Su Sheng


西安欧亚学院 Xi'an Eurasia University

《Cocoon》Liu Ningshan Cao Juan

《茧》刘宁珊 曹娟

浙江传媒学院 Communication University of Zhejiang

《Writing in the Dark》 Li Jin


中国美术学院 China Academy of Art

《Time Gap-Insight》 Liu Yang


中央美术学院 Central Academy of Fine Arts

《Tired》Zhou Fang


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